Favorite Addition and Subtraction Math Games

We play a lot of games in our homeschool. Math is one subject that has an abundance of really fantastic games. Practicing math facts through the repetition that comes in a board game or card game is so much more fun than practicing with flashcards. If you have the time, a good game makes learning so much fun and you'll quickly find your kids asking for more math!
My shelves are loaded with educational games. I have a bit of an addiction. Here are our favorite addition and subtraction games that we play the most.
1. Sum Swamp
Sum Swamp is one of our most played games and even my 5th grader loves to play with me and my first grader. It's just plain fun. You practice adding and subtracting numbers 1-9 as well as odds and evens. Gameplay is fast and doesn't take a ton of time.
2. Shut the Box
Shut the Box is such a fun game for all ages. Your kids will practice math without even realizing it and you get to play a game that's really fun for adults too! Roll the dice and try to flip the most numbers down. Lowest score wins. It's fast paced and very fun! It's also a beautiful game, so you can leave it out on your coffee table and your kids will naturally just play it because it's been left sitting out!
3. I Sea 10
I Sea 10 specifically practices adding the numbers that make 10. Take turns flipping over a number and be the first to spot two numbers when added together make 10. You get to keep the numbers if you spot them first. Whoever has the most numbers at the end wins. But watch out for the shark! If you flip over a shark you lose all your numbers and have to start over!
4. Jump 1 or Jump 2
Practice adding one or subtracting one from a number in this adorable Jump 1 card game by Melon Rind. The art is gorgeous and it's such a fun game. You can play a speed round or you can play where you take turns for the young players who can't keep up with the speed. Get rid of all your cards first to win! Once your child masters jump one, you can advance to Jump 2 for an extra challenge where you have to add or subtract 2! I would advise Jump 1 for grades K-1 and Jump 2 for grades 1-2.
5. Clumsy Thief Jr
Clumsy Thief Jr is yet another adorable game made by Melon Rind. The quality of these games is just fantastic. Practice matching numbers that add to 10 and steal other peoples cards that help you make 10. But watch out because the clumsy thief can steal your stack. Use trap cards to stop the thief!
6. Check the Oven
One last game from Melon Rind. I won't include them all, but they really should all make this list. But if you're looking for a game that specifically practices adding to 12, try out Check the Oven. It's a super fun bluffing game that practices addition skills, strategy, and the importance of a poker face!
7. Pop for Addition and Subtraction
Practice addition and subtraction in this fun game which allows for lots of repetitive practice. Answer math facts correctly to keep gumballs, but watch out for the "POP!" cards! You will lose all your gumballs if you get a "POP!". Whoever has the most gumballs at the end wins.
8. Math Bingo
Eeboo makes the most high quality and beautiful games. Math Bingo does not dissapoint! The artwork is gorgeous and it's a little bit of a different take on Bingo, where you take turns drawing a card. If you have the answer to the addition or subtraction problem then you use the card to cover the space on your bingo board. If you don't have the answer then you set it aside. It's such a gorgeous game, you'll want to keep it as a keepsake to play it with your grandchildren one day!
9. Cloud Hoppers
Practice addition and subtraction up to higher numbers with Cloud Hoppers by Logic Roots. Ride spaceships and help your aliens land safely on the ground first with this super fun game which allows you to practice your math facts through repetition without even realizing you're doing math!
10. Mountain Raiders
Practice addition of 2 and 3 digit numbers with Mountain Raiders by Logic Roots. Ascend and descend the mountain first to win the game! Practice addition on the way!
11. Race to Planet X
Race to Planet X by creating number bonds. But watch out, your opponent can zap one right out of your hand! This game combines strategy with math to make for an extra fun game.
12. Math Dice
Roll the dice and race with this fast paced math game that your kids will love! It's such a simple game, which makes it the perfect choice when you're in a rush. Math Dice is fantastic for practicing mental math in a competitive and fun way.
13. Math Shark Electronic Math Game
If you're looking for a game that the kids can practice on their own, but isn't using a tablet, then Math Shark has you covered. Keep it in the car for extra practice. Not only can addition and subtraction skills be practiced, but they can practice multiplication and division as they get older as well. This one is perfect when you don't have time to do a 2 player game.
14. Rummikub
Rummikub doesn't really include a lot of adding or subtracting, but it is great for number sense and practicing number ordering which is an essential math skill for early elementary. If you have a really young child, let them be on a team with you and they will quickly learn.
There are other great addition and subtraction games out there, but this list has included our very favorite and most played games. You can feel confident knowing any of the above games will be a hit with your family! I hope you enjoy!
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