FREE Christian Tracts

Download and print attractive and FREE bible tracts to hand out as flyers everywhere you go! Reach thousands of people with the gospel with this simple and easy to print gospel tract!
You don't need to be a preacher at a pulpit or on a street corner to go to work for God's kingdom. You can easily make a BIG difference and reach many people by spreading the gospel with a simple flyer. Think of yourself as part of God's marketing team doing your part for The Kingdom Marketing Campaign!
Keep a stack of flyers in your purse or car and always be on the lookout for anywhere you could leave them. Put them on car windshields, in newspaper compartments of mailboxes, tape them on bathroom stall doors, on entry doors to fast food restaurants, tape them to the front of a cereal box in the grocery store, or pin them to community bulletin boards! Get creative with where you put them and let God do the rest!
These printable tracts are double sided. The front side features a watercolor painting of the world with John 3:16. Below is a summation of what true belief in Jesus means in our lives. The back side includes important scriptures which are effective in convicting a sinner's conscious to repentance and salvation. You never know if this might be the exact message someone needs to hear on any given day so go ahead and print them out for pennies on the dollar with only the cost of printer ink and paper and just start leaving a trail of them everywhere you go!
These are SO easy to print. Just follow the steps below for these FREE Christian gospel flyers!
- The flyer is set up with 2 per page on an 8.5x11 size paper. Here's the best deal on paper I've found.
- Download the front here and the back here.
- Save the files to your computer.
- Print the front and back.
- Cut them down the center with scissors or a paper cutter.
- Start hiding them in creative locations!
Download the Front of the printable download here!
Download the Back of the printable download here!
Hope you enjoy! Feel free to share them with anyone and everyone who might like to use them.
This is a FREE printable - using this design for resale on another website or any other commercial use in any way is prohibited.
This post contains affiliate links which help support this website and make it possible for us to provide printables at a very affordable price!